The quiet game

Close your eyes. We’re going back to childhood, before words, before the complexities of adult relationships. Back to pure feelings, meeting and clashing. As we give and receive emotions we’ll learn to know each other, through fights and games and moments of loneliness. Up until we look into each other’s eyes and realise we’re all grown up. 
But there is a price to pay. There always is.

The quiet game is a fully silent scenario, where every interaction between the characters is conveyed through movement and touch. A group of nameless, voiceless children goes through a daily life made of rituals, games and gestures, all the while searching for their lost identities. Through the looking glass of this strange childhood, players get the chance to engage with their base emotions, to know themselves, to see themselves in each other’s eyes.

Author:Costanza Chelidonio, Matteo Davolio, Maria Guarneri, Simone Paci & Samuele Vitale
Roles:12 to 24. No gender suggestions.
Time:3 hours.

Characters are not predetermined. The game experience is focused and very unusual.

Leitmotiv:Childhood, growth, loss, emotion, colours.
Handouts:Return to childhood
Game phases
All the colours of emotion

The littlest village

he Village has always existed, and its pillars are the Three Laws. Space is scarce, so it must be shared. Unity is strength, so two must live as one. The Taboo is our shield, so it must be respected. They have never been challenged. Not until now.
Nothing lasts forever, not even the Three Laws, not even our Village. Now the Taboo lies broken, our harmony shattered, and all we can do is cling to the only thing that’s left in spite of everything: the bonds that we share.

The littlest village puts space front and centre: the physical space of a town square, and the intimate space of the villagers’ relationships. We will navigate a colourful  tangle of threads, strung up for us to stretch and strain and sever. As we alternate days of strife with nights of reflection, will our Village torn apart by Discord find its way to a new balance?

Author:Antonio Amato, Margherita Di Cicco, Chiara Locatelli, Lapo Luchini & Alessio Rossi
Roles:12. No gender suggestions.
Time:3 hours.

The character sheets and community structure are predefined, but developed through open questions for players.

Leitmotiv:Community, social norms, progress and tradition, relationships, space, threads.
Handouts:Couple sheet of the Azures
Couple sheet of the Indigos
Couple sheet of the Goldens
Couple sheet of the Saffrons
Couple sheet of the Vermilions
Couple sheet of the Crimsons
Genesis of the Taboo
Village Annals

4 – 3

The city gathers around the stadium, split in two by today’s derby. In the locker room, eleven players prepare for so much more than just another game. On the other side of the wall, their eternal rivals. 
A ritual, a sacred space for the length of the match, only extinguished by the referee’s final blow on the whistle. And in between, a few sublime instants and many shades of grotesque. In a word, football. 

4 – 3 is all about team-play and the match is a ritual of gestures and motion. But the outcome is determined by what goes on in the locker room. As the athletes prepare to face yet another epic challenge, their stories and decisions interweave like a web of passes. Will they end up scoring a goal?

Author:Oscar Biffi & Alessandro Giovannucci
Roles:7 to 11. No gender suggestions.
Time:2 hours.

The outcomes of the match are multiple and not easily predicted. Characters are defined by a random combination of cards.

Leitmotiv:Football, derby, rivalry, locker room, sublime and grotesque, epic challenges, romanticism of sports.
Pre-match warmup
Flow of the match
Commentator’s table

Pantheon Club

The world has changed. The Gods no longer live on Mount Olympus: They walk among us. Lost in the scent of nectar and ambrosia, they were blind to catastrophe. The sun has set forever. Zeus has banished Apollo from the most exclusive of clubs, the Pantheon.
The God of the Sun was beautiful, powerful, successful. He was the best of them. What was so wrong about him? And who is going to be next?

Pantheon Club looks at peer pressure through the lens of myth. What drives someone to take an important part of their identity and drown it in silence? To never dare tell anyone else about it? Apollo’s fall from grace is a pretext for players to put their own silences in play, safely hidden behind Godlike façades.

Author:Maria Guarneri, Lorenzo Mannella & Nicola Urbinati
Roles:5 to 10. No gender suggestions.
Time:2 hours.

Players’ personal input is crucial to the scenario. The resulting game experience is focused and specific to the group.

Leitmotiv:Peer pressure, friendship, silence, marginalisation, diversity, prejudice.
Handouts:Character sheets of Aphrodite and Ares
Character sheets of Artemis and Athena
Character sheets of Dionysus and Hades
Character sheets of Hephaestus and Hera
Character sheets of Hermes and Poseidon
Descent into the Underworld
Prophecy of Apollo and Judgement of Zeus
Audio track

White noise

«This is Oscar. Sorry to disappoint the war that killed you guys, but I finally woke up from the coma. Over.»
«Affirmative. A landmine took my hearing and landed me in this wheelchair. I’m not giving up, though. You deserve more than a war memorial. Respond. Over.»
«Repeat. Not all at once. Don’t lose your nerve, soldiers. Don’t lose yourselves. Speak one at a time. Over.»
«Roger. Your family, our friends, they’ll get to say goodbye. Your radio operator will take care of it. I was never discharged, you know. Over and out».

White noise features an asymmetrical experience, with the Fallen on one side, their Relatives on the other, and the
Veteran acting as a go-between. This surreal exchange of transmissions with the Afterlife is made urgent by the need to leave war behind, to find the courage to start over or finally rest in peace. The only code that can deal with the dead is one made of memories, of the experiences that bound us together in life.

Author:Tito Baldi, Oscar Biffi, Costanza Chelidonio, Daniele Di Rubbo & Simone Paci
Roles:9. 5 male, 4 unspecified.
Time:4 hours.

The game experience greatly varies between the Fallen, their Relatives and the Veteran. Randomly assigned memories and character relationships add to the variety. 

Leitmotiv:War, family, life beyond death, grief, memory, the importance of names, séance.
Handouts:Child’s character sheet
Sibling’s character sheet
Parent’s character sheet
Spouse’s character sheet
Veteran’s character sheet
Fallen character sheets
Phonetic alphabet
Wavelength cards
Relative Frequencies
Extended family
Fallen Frequencies

Time out

Dear future me. Why am I writing this? Because I’m curious, as all kids are. Am I still like that? Curious, I mean. Or, will you be like that? I mean present you. Which I guess is still me. You know what I mean. There are so many things I want to ask you, though there’s one I know already: The band will always be together.

Dear past me. Why am I writing this? As a kid you think adults have all the answers, as a teenager you think they don’t know a single thing. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between. There are so many things I’d like you to know, though there’s one I’d rather you never learned: Nothing lasts forever.

In Time out, four players live as a band of teenagers over the best summer of their youth, while the remaining four step into the shoes of that same group of friends in the crucial moments of their adult lives. The two players of every character meet between scenes, sharing wishes and memories, each time asking a single question: How much does the past influence the future… And vice versa?

Author:Michela Bernini, Oscar Biffi, Adriano Bompani,
Gigi D’Amore, Ale Romanzin & Nicola Urbinati
Roles:8. No gender suggestions.
Time:3 hours.

The two character groups have different game experiences. Each player must contribute creatively. Scenes begin with predetermined prompts.

Leitmotiv:Nostalgia, time, youth, friendship, wishes and memories.
Handouts:Letter from Past A_____
Letter from Past B_____
Letter from Past C_____
Letter from Past D_____
Letter from Future A_____
Letter from Future B_____
Letter from Future C_____
Letter from Future D_____
Past Diaries
Future Diaries

The Offering

O Gods and Goddesses, if you know mercy then turn your eyes upon our suffering and show us the sin that sullies our hands. You who watch over the people of the long hill, show us the Offering that pleases you and let us renew our pact in blood. Our blood for the blood of our enemies, your peace for our victory in war. 
Show us the Offering.

The Offering is brought before the gods in a time after Troy and before Rome, but far away from great cities and immortal heroes. A dark age, as murky in our minds as the events of the fateful midsummer’s night that brought ruin upon the people of the long hill. 
The seven characters who sit in the Circle will piece together those moments under the watchful eye of the gods, to divine their sacred will and offer them a rightful sacrifice.

Author:Daniele Di Rubbo, Lorenzo Mannella, Federico Misirocchi & Veronica Pellegrini 
Roles: 7. 1 female, 3 male, 3 unspecified.
Time:2 hours.

The fateful midsummer’s night is defined by some specific events. Players choose how to piece them together and what they mean.

Leitmotiv:Bronze Age, human sacrifice, sense of divine, bread, flour and blood.
Handouts:The Elder’s character sheet
The Youth’s character sheet
The Virgin’s character sheet
The Herder’s character sheet
The Crafter’s character sheet
The Tiller’s character sheet
The Seer’s character sheet
Rite of the Circle

Today, tomorrow, never

The flat line of the walls around us. A border. 
The tall line of the bars between us. A border.
The straight line of the back I won’t bend. A border.
The broken line of the gaze you avert. A border.
Borders to count, to cross, to escape.
Today, tomorrow, never.

Today, tomorrow, never is a cycle of phases and rituals, just like the prison life it seeks to recreate. Standing between the characters are more than obvious physical barriers, and these subtle, impalpable borders will prove no easier to cross. The only thing we have plenty of is time to try.

Author:Oscar Biffi & Maria Guarneri
Roles:3 to 6. No gender suggestions.
Time:2 hours.

Roles are defined by random card combinations. The scenario consists of ritualised phases, but the result is always open-ended.

Leitmotiv:Prison, punishment, guilt, passage of time, complicity, bonds, friendship, lust for freedom
Handouts:Drummer’s Mugshot Sign
Fiend’s Mugshot Sign
Kite’s Mugshot Sign
J-Cat’s Mugshot Sign
Monkeymouth’s Mugshot Sign
Shank’s Mugshot Sign
Solitary confinement
Personal effects
Alienated Report
Convert Report
Innocent Report
Institutionalised Report
Mobster Report
Repentant Report

The Duel

Your Excellency, on the day of our last meeting You offended me, with neither cause nor right to act in such guise. For this must I conclude that Your Excellency despises me, and therefore wishes to cast me from the number of the living. I can and I shall satisfy Your wish. 
I hereby invite Your Excellency and Your second to join me and mine in such a place, where You would not be held guilty of offending the laws of the Serenissima by slaying me, and I would be accorded the same grace should God assist me in killing You.

Before the guns go off, The duel unfolds over ten steps. In between them are the crucial moments that brought the duellists, their seconds and the judge to this fateful encounter. Five flashbacks play out in reverse, a journey that starts with the throwing of the gauntlet and ends with the close kinship that once bound the protagonists.
This backstory is woven on the spur of the moment, without a script, like an old play from Commedia dell’Arte.

Author:Oscar Biffi
Roles: 5. No gender suggestions.
Time:2 hours.
Replayability: High.

The duel follows strict rules, but players invent the matter of honour to be settled.

Leitmotiv:Honour, the meaning of nobility, Ancien Régime, Republic of Venice, Commedia dell’Arte.
Mask of the Magnifico
Mask of the Servitore
Mask of the Giudice
Mask of the Capitano
Mask of the Innamorato

Fire and lead

Rome, 1973. La dolce vita gives way to years of lead as violent crime puts the Capital to fire and sword. In a police station, another round of the old dance begins: cigarette butts and a glaring lamp; fists on the table and a tied tongue. 
How many interrogations have the perps suffered before? How many more has the detective conducted? But this time, things are different. The stakes are much higher. And time is running out.

The story of Fire and lead unfolds over two separate rooms. In one, a barrage of fast-paced interrogations. In the other, all that’s left of a criminal gang waiting to be questioned one-on-one by the detective. 
The two spaces are isolated, with no way to tell what’s being said on the other side of the wall. And in the background, the breaking news get more worrying by the minute. 

Author:Elio Amicarelli, Marco Andreetto, Margherita Di Cicco, Simone Micucci, Alessio Rossi & Lorenzo Trenti
Roles:4 male.
Time:2 hours.

Clues are predetermined and there is only one solution to the case, making the detective unreplayable. Other roles can be replayed.

Leitmotiv:Years of Lead, Rome, police questioning, organised crime, political terrorism, violence, lack of trust, prisoner’s dilemma.
Robbery report
Recollections and Plans of the gang
Incoming calls
Outgoing calls
Angelo Abbatino’s character sheet
Bruno Bernacchia’s character sheet
Claudio Colafigli’s character sheet
Danilo Danesi’s character sheet
Newscast – Video track

Naked stone

The Children of Man possess a dark wit indeed. Stone upon stone, we have seen them build a house in which to lose themselves. They call it Labyrinth. In its heart hides the promise of their ruin, the promise of our victory.
Everything within the house is repeated countless times, but the three of us seem to exist only once. We hold the torch in the dark. The flame crackles and trembles.

In Naked stone, three players take on the role of Prodigies, at once more and less than Men. As they make their way through dark halls without ever leaving a single room, they are called to strip themselves of what made them who they are.
Who among them will shine light on the heart of the Labyrinth?

Author:Chiara Locatelli, Oscar Biffi & Dario Praselj
Roles:3. No gender suggestions.
Time:3 hours.

The Labyrinth offers many twists and turns; characters are a random combination of elements. Gradual revelations are a crucial part of the experience.

Leitmotiv:Labyrinth, metamorphosis, fantasy, constriction, liberation, meaning of humanity.
Handouts:Amulet Talismans
Bracer Talismans
Chain Talismans
Broken Talismans
Entrance and Hall
Forwards Direction
Left Direction
Right Direction

Alzh & Imer

Light of my eyes, I wish you never looked at me like that again. Like I was an actor playing the same part over and over. I wish I could remember who you are and why I feel like I love you, but the truth is I’ve forgotten my own name.

My love, I wish you never looked at me like that again. Like you’ve never seen me before. I wish I could help you remember, and that’s what I do day after day, but I fear I’ll only want to remember you the way you were after you’ve left me forever.

In Alzh & Imer, players portray an elderly couple struggling with a chronic, degenerative, invalidating disorder. Alzheimer’s disease affects not only the person it touches, but their loved ones as well: The partner will take care of the patient and engage in a daily struggle against the disease, guilty of taking their beloved away.

Author:Antonio Amato
Roles:2. No gender suggestions.
Time:2 hours.

There are no character sheets. Scenes are guided by a series of questions that can change from game to game. The game experience is focused and not at all light.

Leitmotiv:Alzheimer’s disease, illness, memory, lost stories, love.
Medicine package