White noise

«This is Oscar. Sorry to disappoint the war that killed you guys, but I finally woke up from the coma. Over.»
«Affirmative. A landmine took my hearing and landed me in this wheelchair. I’m not giving up, though. You deserve more than a war memorial. Respond. Over.»
«Repeat. Not all at once. Don’t lose your nerve, soldiers. Don’t lose yourselves. Speak one at a time. Over.»
«Roger. Your family, our friends, they’ll get to say goodbye. Your radio operator will take care of it. I was never discharged, you know. Over and out».

White noise features an asymmetrical experience, with the Fallen on one side, their Relatives on the other, and the
Veteran acting as a go-between. This surreal exchange of transmissions with the Afterlife is made urgent by the need to leave war behind, to find the courage to start over or finally rest in peace. The only code that can deal with the dead is one made of memories, of the experiences that bound us together in life.

Author:Tito Baldi, Oscar Biffi, Costanza Chelidonio, Daniele Di Rubbo & Simone Paci
Roles:9. 5 male, 4 unspecified.
Time:4 hours.

The game experience greatly varies between the Fallen, their Relatives and the Veteran. Randomly assigned memories and character relationships add to the variety. 

Leitmotiv:War, family, life beyond death, grief, memory, the importance of names, séance.
Handouts:Child’s character sheet
Sibling’s character sheet
Parent’s character sheet
Spouse’s character sheet
Veteran’s character sheet
Fallen character sheets
Phonetic alphabet
Wavelength cards
Relative Frequencies
Extended family
Fallen Frequencies

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