The Theatre of Major Arcana

On a stage that seems to have shut the world out, under the guidance of an absent yet obnoxious Director, a motley acting troupe is ready to audition. Mask over mask, scene after scene, by playing someone different they may come to know themselves, and maybe even find a purpose.

In The Theatre of Major Arcana, acting is a means to experience emotion, and emotion is a vessel for self-discovery. The players will wear one mask on top of the other, letting the timeless symbology  of tarots guide them as they impersonate  an actor, only free to be themselves in the scraps of time between a role and the next.
When the character is on stage, what is left of the actor?

Authors:Yuka Sato & Valerio Amadei
Roles:9 to 12, no gender suggestions.
Time:4 hours.

The characters are actors and their role in each scene is defined by a random card draw, but the scenes’ outlines themselves are fixed.

Leitmotiv:The game of theatre, tarots, masks on top of masks, universal values, self-discovery.
Handouts:Major Arcana Deck
Minor Arcana, Swords Deck
Minor Arcana, Pentacles Deck
Minor Arcana, Wands Deck
Direction notes
Actor Rules
Audio track

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