The Offering

O Gods and Goddesses, if you know mercy then turn your eyes upon our suffering and show us the sin that sullies our hands. You who watch over the people of the long hill, show us the Offering that pleases you and let us renew our pact in blood. Our blood for the blood of our enemies, your peace for our victory in war. 
Show us the Offering.

The Offering is brought before the gods in a time after Troy and before Rome, but far away from great cities and immortal heroes. A dark age, as murky in our minds as the events of the fateful midsummer’s night that brought ruin upon the people of the long hill. 
The seven characters who sit in the Circle will piece together those moments under the watchful eye of the gods, to divine their sacred will and offer them a rightful sacrifice.

Author:Daniele Di Rubbo, Lorenzo Mannella, Federico Misirocchi & Veronica Pellegrini 
Roles: 7. 1 female, 3 male, 3 unspecified.
Time:2 hours.

The fateful midsummer’s night is defined by some specific events. Players choose how to piece them together and what they mean.

Leitmotiv:Bronze Age, human sacrifice, sense of divine, bread, flour and blood.
Handouts:The Elder’s character sheet
The Youth’s character sheet
The Virgin’s character sheet
The Herder’s character sheet
The Crafter’s character sheet
The Tiller’s character sheet
The Seer’s character sheet
Rite of the Circle

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