Public offering

Welcome to Gatekeeper Cloud Services! We are so excited to have you join our team of innovators and technology voyagers! We are definitely not an apocalyptic cult disguised as a disruptive internet startup, and our leadership team are most assuredly not invested in inducting our new hires into our secret rites of worship. We’re almost ready to announce our quarterly roadmap and nobody is plotting to invoke the Great Outer God Yog-Sothoth in order to secure our next round of funding!

In Public Offering, players will take the roles of employees of an internet startup circa 2008. The founders are cultist who must bring enough people on board to perform a ritual summoning of Yog-Sothoth (he is the Gate, the Key and Guardian of the Gate, IA!) to grant them the arcane knowledge and power to dominate the industry. Will they succeed, risking their lives and sanity to get their next round of funding? Will this affect their 410k?

Author:Marc Majcher
Roles:9 to 13. 7 male, 4 female, 2 non-binary.
Time:4 hours.
Some characters have secrets that may be interesting to keep unknown. Multiple endings.
Leitmotiv:Tech startup, Chtulhu Mythos, secret roles, comedy, horror.
Handouts:Business Cards
Character sheet: Gregory Perkins
Character sheet: William Rice
Character sheet: Adela Sorazos
Character sheet: Ernest Frye
Character sheet: Seneca Billings
Character sheet: Noah Lapham
Character sheet: Josef Silva
Character sheet: Alice Warren
Character sheet: Surajit Chandra
Character sheet: Fern Czanek
Character sheet: Francis Morgan
Character sheet: Curtis Ricci
Character sheet: Charlotte Germain

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